21-Day Vegan Kickstart / a Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) site

The 21 Day Vegan Kickstart is about to begin – now they start the 1st of every month. Just goes to show that I haven’t done one for quite sometime. But it’s time to get back to basics and cleanse the palate and gut with new foods and spices.
Here’s the grocery list for the Kickstart – if you’re allergic to certain foods, don’t buy then just substitute a similar food plant based food from that food group. Organic is best cause we don’t want any extra chemicals or altered food in our body. Food is our medicine to help us live at optimal health.
Join me in 21 days of changing up our food choices and eating a plant based diet (I already do that). If the list looks too tough, then just start shopping (except for the fresh food) a bit at a time and start next month.

21-Day Vegan Kickstart / a Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) site.

Harvard Nurses’s Health Study

Check out this video regarding the Harvard Nurses’s Health Study at NutritionFacts.org. The #1 killer for women is heart disease, which I don’t feel gets enough attention. I haven’t read the whole study, but am very interested.

This caught my eye on my Facebook post from the 21 Day Vegan Kickstart page with a link to the study and this post:

What Women Should Eat to Live Longer:
1 egg = 5 cigarettes a day;
1 cup of oatmeal = 4 hours of jogging a week.

The above info came from the Harvard Nurses’s Health Study video on Nutrition Facts (see above links).


This Vegan has Returned from Vacation

I actually returned from Key West, Florida last Tuesday shortly after midnight, but with jet lag, working the rest of the week, and then traveling again over the weekend I feel I am returning to a regular work week. I haven’t had the change to cook for the 21 Day Vegan Kickstart India, but am going to get into the cooking and blogging mode.

This evening I cooked a cup of brown rice and red quinoa, because I am too tired to shop tonight. Going to start the week with a green salad, quinoa and black bean salad and brown rice. Next I will shop and cook some Indian dished. My palate is yearning for the Indian flavors.

Also I am turning 60 in 10 weeks and have a goal to lose 10 lbs. I will be blogging about my countdown to 60 – Woo Hoo!

21 Vegan Kickstart India – Coming Soon

Another treat coming our way from Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM).  The 21 Day Vegan Kickstart India begins June 4th, so check out the site, join, and get ready for some amazing meal plans and food.

I will be traveling to a family wedding, although have signed up and plan to be as active as possible.

21 Day Vegan Kickstart – Did you Take the Challenge?

Awww. it’s always tough to make changes to our diets and our mindset. In case you didn’t sign up for the 21 Day Vegan Kickstart you could purchase the kickstart book or another book of interest by Neal Barnard, M.D..

I have had a very busy week at work and didn’t get my cooking done last Sunday. I will admit I was working on Jim Lahey’s pizza dough recipes and baking pizza. Vegan,  no oil… just didn’t get my kickstart food prepped.

Next week will be on the kickstart and following a modified plan, since I am allergic to soy and often cooking just for myself. I usually pick 2-3 recipes a week and that’s plenty for me. I have oatmeal every morning, so don’t need a lot of variety of breakfast.


This is no April Fools Joke: Kick on over to PCRM

Happy April Fools – I loved this day as a kid and still do as an adult. Haven’t pranked anyone today, darn!

Today is prep day for the 21 Day Vegan Kickstart. If you haven’t signed up, give it a try and if you have then you have made a choice to join many in their new or continued venture into a plant-based diet. I’ve joined several times and have learned new things each time about myself, my diet and the choices I make on a daily basis.

The member’s blog is worth joining as well. No only do the organizers post a wealth of information, other members share their experiences and information to the forum. I learned  that coffee raises cholesterol levels (that was from anther member on the member’s blog). I have eaten a plant-based diet for over 20 years and my cholesterol rises and falls, so now know another factor. Have to get it checked again this month.Enough about me.

Do yourself a favor and give it a try – even if you just take a baby step in to see what it’s all about. Hope you check back here as I blog about another kickstart.

Bon Appetite!

PCRM For Not Starting

Interesting name for a post, huh? I was just checking my stats and saw that someone used PCRM For Not Starting as a search. Oh, the excuses I’ve used for not signing up or not successfully finishing a 21 Vegan Kickstart. Really, it’s out there for anyone to try for a day for 21 or for the rest of our lives. The only thing to not starting is the personal ANTS (automatic negative thoughts) we often inflict on ourselves;  Dr. Daniel Amen introduced me to ANTS in one of his books. Yeah, well, these aren’t good things, so better to sign up and try the kickstart. A new one is beginning in April 2nd and I am looking forward to another Kickstart.

Why? Well, even though I am a vegan it’s easy to grab processed food. The 21 Day Vegan Kickstart brings me back to center with eating whole foods and connecting to wonderful folks on the forum.

April 2nd is the next Kickstart so jump on over and sign up!! Success is taking a step and then another and another – often it’s just one step. Take it!


What’s on my Menu for Week 2 of Vegan Kickstart

Week 2 of the 21 day Vegan Kickstart and am planning and cooking for a very busy week. I have lots of fresh veggies from last week, so didn’t shop for new food this week – saving money and time as I was out-of-town this weekend. I spent an overnight with two of my grand daughters – always fun and gives me a fresh perspective. My daughter cooked me a broccoli lentil vegan stew – sweet! She supports my veganism and is a vegetarian who eats fish (her naturopath wanted her to add fish back in her diet). Just saying, but I repect her choices as well!!

OK, back the food prep for the week and the Menu choices for the week:

Breakfast: Oatmeal and Almond Milk (like every morning)

This weeks lunch and dinners:

Quinoa Pilaf – preparing differently as I am using half for a Quinoa Salad for work potluck tomorrow

Ethiopian Tomato Salad

Almost-Instant Black Bean Chili (cut the recipe in half)

Layered  Rice, Beans and Lettuce (recipe to follow)

2 c. Cooked Brown Rice

Green Salad

If time allows:

Easy Cornbread Muffins

Weekly Standbys:

Whole Grain Bread


This is more than enough food for me and will keep me satisfied. The linked recipes are from the 21 Day Vegan Kickstart meal plan, cancerproject.org and NutritionMD. Now back to the kitchen to finish prepping for the week. Prepping saves me from eating what ever my eyes see and my hands grab (usually bad choices).