This Vegan has Returned from Vacation

I actually returned from Key West, Florida last Tuesday shortly after midnight, but with jet lag, working the rest of the week, and then traveling again over the weekend I feel I am returning to a regular work week. I haven’t had the change to cook for the 21 Day Vegan Kickstart India, but am going to get into the cooking and blogging mode.

This evening I cooked a cup of brown rice and red quinoa, because I am too tired to shop tonight. Going to start the week with a green salad, quinoa and black bean salad and brown rice. Next I will shop and cook some Indian dished. My palate is yearning for the Indian flavors.

Also I am turning 60 in 10 weeks and have a goal to lose 10 lbs. I will be blogging about my countdown to 60 – Woo Hoo!

My Favortite Seattle Vegan Resturants

Today I am trying to get to Seattle for the Vegfest.

Although there will be lots of food there, I am always curious about where I might get a vegan meal. I checked SEATTLEVEGAN.COM. There are always two of my favorites: Cafe Flora (Vegetarian and Vegan) & Araya’s Place (Thai Vegan ). Cafe Flora also had a wonderful cookbook – bought it when I was a Vegetarian, but still have lots of Vegan recipes. I found an interesting one, but it’s in Kirkland (a bit out of my way today, but am pretty sure my daughter and I will have to check it out when I visit up north): Picnic Dogs, which has a Vegan hot dog. I stay away from processed food for the most part, but now and then a hot dog is just darn fun food!! Let’s not pretend we don’t all have a bit of our own childhood or comfort food.

Yes, I am a foody – love to cook and love to eat. I continue learning the art of moderation and nourishing my body – harder lesson. With only 2 favorite Vegan restaurants in Seattle, I need to get out more and explore!!!

I could write more and will, but gotta get on the road!!

Another Vegan’s Goals for 2012

2012 has arrived and that means I’m setting goals for this new glorious year.

Confession is good, right?!! Yes, I believe it is good. I began this blog to keep myself accountable for a diet I believed would improve my health, but I loved cheese and every time I would start previously I would fail. BECAUSE I LOVE CHEESE! I love the taste, the smell, the dense loveliness, the variety of flavors and the enhancement of foods…oh, it goes on. The major problem with my love of cheese if that I am allergic to cow’s milk and soy. So, after a lifetime of cutting out milk, eggs, soy…I still ate cheese. I was encroaching on 60 and having gut pain; hence realized that cheese could be a major problem (and it really isn’t a major food group – cheese in itself).

Whew, thanks for letting me get that off my Vegan chest!! So, in a way I am a selfish Vegan because I want to be Vegan for the health benefits. I’ve been a partial vegetarian for over 20 years and a vegetarian for 19 years. So, new chapter of being Vegan.

I feel wonderful, the gut pain is gone, and I believe this is the optimum way of life for me. I’ve spent those past years studying the work and research of Neal Barnard, M.D., John McDougall, M.D., Dean Ornish, M.D., Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo, Andrew Weil, M.D. and the Seventh Day Adventist Church (no, I am not a member – just a fan of their way of life). I love the 21 Day Vegan Kickstart plan and am currently enrolled in another of their kickstarts – new learning each time.


Now those goals:

1. Get a picture and more stuff on my About Me tab – I don’t want to be anonymous anymore.

2. Develop my Top Ten Fave Recipes.

     (It’s a process – pictures to follow)

3.  Find the balance between blogging and exercising – I need to exercise more.



 My goals ended on 3 for now – may be more later i.e.: travel more and worry less

Travel for a Funeral

I haven’t been posting because I was out-of-state at a funeral. I do have some travel food postings to add and will get that done.

Yes, sometime we have to travel for bereavement and some airlines still have special fares – save around a $100.00 this time. Alaskan Airlines is still good when traveling at the last-minute for a family funeral.